This morning's local newspaper got me ALL excited because within its pages was the first clue to the annual Eureka Days Medallion Hunt. It's based on the scavenger hunt principle: the clue in the newspaper would lead to the first stop, where another clue would be found, and so forth. The person who found the special medallion would win $100.00. Bring it on, baby!
The first clue was easy if you've lived around here long enough. It described the "Eureka, I Have Found It" monument at what is not-so-lovingly known as Turd Creek, close to downtown. I told Big Bore I'd check it out after I tended to the Garden Club's Main Street Garden. I wanted to get in some serious deadheading first, for some reason.
So, I walked downtown and here's where it all gets interesting. When I was checking on my precious babies at the garden, what do I spot but one of the Medallion Hunt clues printed on a brick that was placed amid the sedum and hibiscus. How crazy is that? I wouldn't even have to go to the starting point. And depending on where this garden clue stood in the configuration of things, maybe I'd be lucky enough to skip over some other scavenger hunt clues.
This clue was no problem. Something about a mound that is "Poplar" with ants and worms. Well, that had to be the city dirt pile on Poplar Street next to a creek. I walked home, jumped in the car, and voila! There was the brick. Easy as pie. The clue here said: "I once served you in duty, but now I only serve on special occasions." Ah! This must be the veterans' monument downtown. This is the scene of the local Veterans Day observation each November.
I just knew the clue would be here, but, alas, no brick. I probably spent a good 10 minutes looking around...even on hands and knees. Nothing. I drove to the VFW building. Members served in the military and now serve as the color guard at parades. It's not really city property, but maybe the clue would be by the curb. Zip. Do we have a war memorial at the cemetery? I don't think so, but I'll go check. Nothing promising there. Rats. I had hit the dreaded scavenger hunt wall.
So, I decided to go home and get lunch and think about it and get some ideas from the resident master of logic. Big Bore tossed out a few possibilities that I instantly rejected. "It's gotta have something to do with war veterans," I insisted.
After lunch I started working on a craft project, still perplexed with where to head next with the clue. I was totally without any ideas. BB was nearby, piddling with some herbs, and continuing to think, as well.
"What about the old racetrack building or the Matt Samuels building?" he suggested.
Ding-ding-ding. "That's it!" I shouted. "It's nothing about the military! Matt Samuels served as sheriff and the building named after him is used for special events! You're a genius!"
I dashed off to the car once again. When I arrived, two other people were there, one with a metal with a dog. The metal man said two gals had been there earlier and gave up, but I was not to be deterred. I walked around the building. No brick there, so I decided to stroll down the parking lot and look around the Matt Samuels sign. There, inside the metal fixtures, I saw something gold but I couldn't budge it. I tried one more time and out it popped...the winning medallion!! Hooray!!
I got home, dashed out of the car, ran up to my inspiration, and said, "Would you like to split $100.00?" Does a pig roll in slop? Of course, he would.
So, that's how I managed to pick up a semi-quick C-note today...and I didn't even have to deal with all the clues, thanks to my decision to work at the downtown garden before going to Turd Creek. Thank-you, God, Big Bore, and the the lucky garden. Who would have thought deadheading could be so fortuitous?