Sunday, June 17, 2012


Yesterday Big Bore and I had the pleasure of bleacher sitting at great neph Boomer's tee-ball game while we were in Pittsburg. My expectations, however, were not quite fulfilled.
Like his nickname suggests, Boomer is one of these kids who acts like he's been shot from a cannon most of the time. He operates in high gear. When he hit the ball off the tee, I figured he'd be zipping around the bases in warp speed. So, was I ever surprised when he just trotted down to first base like he was taking a merry stroll in the park.  "Run, Boomer!" I shouted from the bleachers.  "That's the slowest I've ever seen him move," I told Big Bore.  

But Boomer was not alone.  ALL the hitters did the same casual jog to first base and beyond.  

"What's with these kids?  I thought they'd be racing like there's no tomorrow," I said.

Mr. Logic had the answer.  "It's the helmets," Big Bore said.  "They're wearing half-ton buckets on their heads."

And, of course, he was right. If the batters tried to run fast, the helmets would likely roll off...and maybe take their heads with them. Better just to lollygag and be safe.  One kid smacked the ball and then walked back to the dugout. To heck with running.  

We had fun watching and Boomer had fun playing and there were high fives all around after the game.  No score was kept; this is just a learning experience. I learned to chill out during tee-ball and not yell for anyone to run faster...or to run at all, for that matter. Just clap and say, "Good try!" no matter what.

(Our family star is in the pitcher's position in the above picture.  He has the body language down pat.  All he needs now is a plug of chewing tobacco and he'll soon be ready for the big leagues.)

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