Friday, August 13, 2010


Holy shish-kebab!! We just get our Titanic-sized water leak taken care of, and now the sewer line is causing us fits! Wednesday night as my bathtub water was draining, the toilet stool and bathroom sink started making funny little noises--reminiscent of those little mud pots boiling at Yellowstone National Park--gurgle, gurgle. Except we aren’t in Wyoming. Then, Thursday morning the toilet decided it didn’t want to flush completely. Crap. Literally. You probably know that feeling of panic when you’re dragging out the plunger and pleading with the water to go back down.

Well, we knew there was no point in calling up the plumber who fixed the main leak because he had already told us he was leaving for vacation Thursday. So, I called a semi-retired plumber who did “snake” work for us four years ago when Big Bore and I clogged up the sewer line due to violent cases of Noro virus, no further explanation needed. He had no time for our problem, however, so we’re in “tough it out and wait mode.” I’m not sure when the vacationing plumber will return, but a HELP!! message has been left. In the meantime, laundry is prohibited, bathing is limited to every other day, and it’s good luck with the flushing but keep the plunger handy.

I think the only summer cruise we’re taking may be in our own bathroom. Today is Friday the 13th, and I'm going back to bed.

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