Thursday, October 29, 2009


Have you ever been so "Holy Moses!" scared by a movie scene that you literally jumped out of your theatre seat? Man, I have, and I bet you have, too. Your heart experiences a sudden jumpstart, and your knee-jerk reflex reaction is to flip upward. Then, you realize you've been had by a "Gotcha!" moment, you take a deep breath to regain your composure and giggle in embarassment. Oh, I have been there more than a few times, but I'll just tell you about three.

1. Carrie. At the very end of the movie, the mean, cute girl played by Nancy Allen, goes to the cemetery to put flowers on Carrie's grave--sort of a gesture of atonement for being such a bitch to the pathetic psycho psychic girl when she was alive. It's a lovely, sunny day. Soft, sweet music is playing in the background. Nancy slowly bends down to gently place the flowers--AND UP COMES CARRIE'S BLOODY ARM FROM THE GRAVE TO GRAB THEM!! Sonofa-----!! What made this experience even worse was that I had been edgy since the beginning of the movie because I was one of only four people in the entire theatre. The other three were men who each arrived alone for the afternoon matinee and were seated randomly behind me. I was certain they were ax murderers or, at the very best, perverts out to get me.

2. Jurassic Park. Dark, rainy night. Electric cars disabled. Driver gets freaked out by a raging T-Rex and runs for safety (?) in a nearby outhouse. He's seated on a toilet, saying a prayer in his fear, yet also somewhat relieved that he's no longer eye candy for the growling dinosaur. Whew! Thank god he's safe. Then, BAM!!! Leaping Lizards!! He just thought he'd escaped from that hungry, green reptile. Remember that scene? Did you not jump right off the toilet seat with him? I about peed my pants.

3. Invasion of the Body Snatchers-1978 version starring the husky-throated, sleepy-eyed Donald Sutherland as a San Francisco health examiner. Evil aliens have arrived on earth in the form of giant pods that, in their quest to destroy the human race, assume the identities of the earthlings. Donald spends the entire movie breathlessly fighting the pods' powers, dodging them at every corner, and trying to keep his gal pal colleague safe. What a hero! At the end, just when you think the two have endured against all odds, Donald turns to the chick friend, his face becomes distorted, and he lets out the signature screech of a pod person. Oh, no!! He's been "podded" after all! What's she gonna do now? I get all creeped out just writing about it, so I'm going to stop this blog right now and go stick my head under a blanket.

Happy movie watching.


Dusti said...

I am such a nervous person during scary movies - I hate to even watch them. I cover my ears, cover my eyes, and still I jump and scream! The scarriest movies for me: The Ring, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. YUCK!

Sarah said...

See I love to be scared...addicted to the rush!!! Scary movies are so fun and I love this time of year.