Thursday, October 15, 2009


A blurb in the paper yesterday caught my eye. Some 62-year-old dandy in Overland Park had pleaded guilty to bigamy charges. One lucky woman had been his wife for 20 years; the other had been married to him for less than a year. And get this: they all lived in the same apartment complex. Neither woman knew about the other for six months!

My question is: how in the world did Romeo manage to pull this off beyond a day? What lines of bullshit was he using to cover his tail? It’s not like he could use, “Honey, I have a business trip in Dallas this week,” when all he was doing was slinking over to a nearby apartment for his funny business.

I can maybe understand where a man would like to have twice the amount of bed bouncing. And, I can see how this guy pulled off the financial challenge of running two households--he was using his deceased father’s name with the new wife and getting daddy’s Social Security benefits--uh oh. Felony offense number two. But, who wants to tolerate double the bitching? Why, instead of locking up this lothario in prison, the judge should send him to some institution for the hormonally insane.




1 comment:

dr. maureen said...

was he getting the viagra in his name or his father's name??