Sunday, May 23, 2010


Dear, sweet Fluffy recently gave us great concern when we couldn’t find her. After ripping apart both closets, twice, looking for her, I was beginning to fear she’d run away from home and I’d never see her again. “Fluffy, where are you?”

When I went into panic mode, Big Bore asked, “Have you check behind the dresser?” There is a little niche in the wall there that goes all the way to the floor. I made a mad dash, looked behind the dresser, and there she was--looking up at me with her one good eye, helpless. “It’s about time you got here!”

The space was too tight and too deep an area for her to leap back out, and since she is a mute cat--no meowing from Fluffy to give us a clue where she was--she was just stuck there. I couldn’t retrieve her, so Big Bore pulled away the dresser and Fluffy dashed out to freedom.

We have since stuffed a huge afghan into the niche, hoping to prevent any repeat performances. Of course, if she hadn’t been exploring the contents of the dresser top, then this accident never would have happened in the first place, but try reasoning with a cat…..


dr. maureen said...

ah well. i lock Jake and George in my closet by accident all the time. it's just that when they don't show up for meals i start to wonder.

Bishops' Blog said...

Reminds me when I pulled all the drawers out of a dresser. Maddie had just started crawlng. I turned my back for a second and she was gone. I couldn't find her. I was screaming at he top of my lungs and heard nothing in response. Finally, I plopped on the bed in tears...only to hear a sweet little giggle. I looked up to see a little girl peeking out of the dresser that I had removed all the drawers from.