Thursday, September 9, 2010


I thought perhaps our once beautiful angelonia plants were done blooming for the summer until closer inspection yesterday revealed…WORMS!!! I asked Big Bore what they were and, being the horticulture wizard that he is, his advice was: “Look ’em up on the Internet.” I did. An immediate hit was made in cyberland, photo and all. "Oh, no!!!" My flowers are being stripped away by hungry, evil bud worms!!!

I hustled back out to the angelonias, pulled off every blasted worm I could find invading my pink babies, dumped about a dozen worms out on the street, then stomped the living daylights out of them while yelling, “This is what you get for destroying my pretty pink flowers!” Then I looked around to see if any of my neighbors were witnessing my worm fit and calling in the troops to have me committed to the loony bin. Fortunately, there were none. Same with the $#@! bud worms when I went outside in the rain a while ago to check for more. It had better stay that way! Don't mess with The Flaming Bore and her flowers! I mean business!

(P.S.--This marks my 700th blog entry since I began ranting in February, 2008. Many thanks to my dear former high school student Sweet Sarah for getting me started, even though she has created a monster.)


Anonymous said...

700 is a good milestone, keep it up! (Although not good news for bud worms)lol.

momrdr said...

Your blogs are always....entertaining!

Sarah said...

Damn worms!!! and you are welcome.. :) I don't know how you always come up with this stuff. but yes it is VERy entertaining.

Dusti said...

You are the best blogger I know! :)