Tuesday, August 25, 2009


If you have a digital camera, then you’ve no doubt played around and taken pictures of yourself--one arm stretched out in front of you, camera aimlessly aimed at your face, or so you think, then you click, and hope for the best. If your shots are like mine, they are usually hilarious, as in bad. Either your features are distorted or a portion of your head is missing. Something always seems to be a bit askew. So, you keep trying and trying, erasing the botched shots from the memory card, until a winner comes out--maybe.

This is the only vacation self portrait I saved. Here’s why: 1. My entire face, complete with the killer black felt cowboy hat (an antique from Big Bore’s redneck days), is well-centered. 2. My camera-holding arm is reflected in a lens of the sunglasses. Now, how cool is that? 3. Best of all, it looks like an avalanche of tumbling boulders is about to swallow me. Oh, hell! That IS an avalanche of tumbling boulders!! Gotta run........fast!!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I am the queen of self portraits...Hmmm does that make me vain. haha..my husband thinks so. ;)
Jaime and I have done this for years and have LOTS of practice...