Monday, August 31, 2009


The past couple of years, I've been tossing zinnia seed out and about in the yard. Even though it has no sweet aroma, I like this flower because it has brilliant colors and lasts a long time. Very hardy. You get more bang for your buck, literally, and any dumb-dumb (as in me) can grow them. Here are some zinnias from our yard that have been hanging out all summer:

Purple Haze:
Orange Blossoms:
These big red soldiers stand watch over the begonias:
This little mix-and-match patch came up on its own, re-seeded from last year. Surprise!! We're back!!
Thank-you for attending my garden party. Time to go outside to dead-head the petunias and rose of sharon. Happy last day of August.


Dusti said...

After we get our siding up, after we paint our house, can you come and landscape for me???

Jaime said...

I love 'em! Very pretty!

Sarah said...

I have always LOVED zinnias. I really need to plant some seeds.