Friday, May 6, 2011


The Flaming Bore-real 1967 version and 2011 Yearbook Yourself edition

There's a fun Internet website called Yearbook Yourself, which allows the user to insert his or her current picture into a faceless hair-do representative of certain years out of the past. Most of the results are wacky, but one of my depictions from the 1960s looks exactly like I did when I was a sassy teenager/young adult. Surprise!!!! Watch out for that helmet hair!

Back in my freshman year of college. I actually HAD this hair. It was poofed up by a fake hairpiece that sort of looked like road kill, ratted and bobby pinned on the top, then sprayed down to the max and combed over my real hair to symmetrical perfection. Sometimes I wore a headband to conceal the line of the fake attachment. I thought this "in" hairstyle was highly attractive and would lure droves of campus hotshots my way, which it didn't.

Fortunately, my hair grew quickly and this bouffant nightmare was gone by second semester. And it's a good thing. The cost of hairspray was killing my strapped budget. During my remaining college years, my hair was long and straight or frizzy--depending on the weather--much like it is now. If I had a current yearbook picture taken, there wouldn't be too much of a difference from 1971--nothing that a facelift and some heavy duty air brushing couldn't cure. Just a few minor details.

1 comment:

dr. maureen said...

and you still look MAH-velous