Monday, June 15, 2009


I’m not quite how to say this delicately, but some sort of kinky sex is going on with the plant world in our yard. First off, a big ol’ pumpkin vine has been running rampant in our asparagus plot--nowhere near where we planted our pumpkin seeds. When we saw it popping up, we decided to let it grow, just to see what would happen, and now the crazy thing is pregnant!! Yes, we have a little punkin’ baby developing.

Those of you who have gardens no doubt know what I mean about such surprises. You can plant and nurture and pffft--nothing happens, and then something else you didn’t plant just appears on its own and thrives. Go figure. Right now we have wayward morning glory, zinnias, and donkey tail coming up where they weren’t intended. And we have two mimosa trees in back that we’ve allowed to stay around for a while.

The birds “planted” some of the seeds Big Bore fed them over the winter, and we now have about 60 sunflowers in various stages of growth. They are a pain to mow around, but we try to keep most of them going. Here are the results of some unplanned plants from our yard.
1. Smaller of two mimosas

2. Morning glory

3. Zinnia under peonies

4. Sunflowers

5. Violet in the grass

Have a merry Monday and may your life be filled with beautiful surprises!


Unknown said...

something about you saying kinky sex made me spew my water all over the keyboard! lmao

those are beautiful surprises.

have a good Monday.

Sarah said...

I love little surpises too. Jeremy grumbles at me when I tell him to mow around the sunflowers the birds planted. But he has so far. ;)

Anonymous said...

Great pics. I have some super dark purple delphinums but my tomato plant is still very small.