Saturday, July 18, 2009


Well, after listening to the neighbor's $#%!@ dog bark for almost two hours, beginning at 3:24 AM, Big Bore called the local gestapo--again. It's going to be a long day.

I sponsored Game Night for 14 teens at the library last night. They weren't nearly as noisy as the damned dog. Refreshments consisted of an ice cream sundae bar. I was introduced to chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream--instant BFF!

I'm deadheading at the library this morning. Have a kid helper who is going to weed. We're getting an early start, and then it's off to the Garden Club spot to water. By the time all that is done, I'll be ready for a nice nap--provided Mr. Barker next door has shut the $#@! up. (Are you sensing a theme here?)

My Facebook has all these messages about links and games that I am clueless about. Typing Maniac, Birthday Club, Yo-ville, Barn Buddy, etc. I hope my 39 Friends don't ditch me for not participating. I have too much to do elsewhere--like yelling at the Barking Maniac outside my window!!

Gotta go slurp some peppermint tea and calm down. May your weekend be peaceful.

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