Sunday, September 16, 2012


There are two trails at the Continental Divide, Logan's Pass, in Glacier National Park. Hidden Lakes Trail involves walking up and down a lot of boarded steps, so as to preserve the tundra. And then there is Highline Trail. It starts out innocently enough, through a meadow, where we met up with three cute mountain goats (here's one)....

....and then the next thing you know it winds around a cliff, the path narrows, and YIKES!  Hikers are greeted by the first scene above. Hang on to that guide wire!  It's going to be a wild walk, for sure!

Big Bore took one look, started reeling, and refused to go one more step.  "The mountain is moving!" he said.  

I wasn't going to push him to do something he didn't feel safe in doing, but I just HAD to keep going.

"Do you mind if I at least go on to the bend?"  I pointed to a spot about a quarter mile on down the trail. "I really want to do this."

"Go ahead.  I'll wait here," he said, turning green and clutching a boulder.

So off I went, walking stick in one hand and guide wire grasped by the other.  It was just TOO cool, and I wanted to keep going and going to see how this trail would end up, but I had promised Big Bore I'd only go to the bend, so, drat, that would have to do. When I got there, I put down the stick, got out the camera, and tried taking a self-portrait with the valley below.  It didn't work too well, but you can sort of see where the drop zone is behind me.  

When I headed back, I encountered other hikers who were just starting out.  "Did you see a big bear of a guy back there waiting for me?" I asked one.

"If you mean the man clinging to a boulder and practically hyperventilating, then yes."

Well, my experience on Highline ended way too soon.  Big Bore was relieved to see me...but If I ever get back to GNP (alas, doubtful), I'm making a beeline to that trail and going the distance. He can wait in the car.

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