Sunday, November 28, 2010


Fast Eddie's is an outhouse memorial to the late great Eddie Pyle, a bassoon prodigy whose claim to fame was being the inventor of the question mark, the Vlasic pickle formula, AND an anti-venom for aarvark bites. According to his bio, Eddie also had the misfortune to suffer from marathon bouts of constipation. There is speculation that he died from a flash fire during one of his gas attacks. Library Lady and I gave this outhouse kudos for the lovely picture of the late Frank Zappa in the background.

The Dog Pound is unique in that the inner bowels of this outhouse consist only of a fire hydrant--specifically for the use of modest canines in Elk Falls. Judges got to decide if the impounded were guilty or innocent of busting into a chicken house. Duh!

There is a nifty pottery shop in Elk Falls, and next to it is an outhouse called the Chamber Pot. Inside this potty is an overalled gent multi-tasking, doing his duty while modeling a piece of clay at the potter's wheel. This classy hideaway was the only outhouse in the competition that had wallpaper AND oh-so-soft Charmin.

This holiday creation is called The North Hole. Leading up to it are all sorts of ghastly Christmas yard art. I expected to see Santa or one of his elves leaving a "present" inside this outhouse, but, instead, a big ol' turkey was popping a squat. Go figure.

Well, folks, this concludes my week of outhouse postings. I hope you have enjoyed the tour. It's been a gas!

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