Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Our hike yesterday at Woodson Cove was lots of fun, except several times I got us off the trail and we had to re-group, search for the blue tree markers ("I spy" in the above pic), and get back on track.  All the fallen leaves covered so much of the ground that sometimes the trail was difficult to follow.  Of course, it didn't help that we were gawking around and not really concentrating on where we were walking.  The funniest part of it was that I didn't realize we'd come to the end of the 1-1/4 mile circuit and had started another one when Big Bore yelled from behind, "Are you going around a second time?"  Oops. 

The Jayhawks won easily last night, so no swearing or resuscitation was required.  And instead of doing housework during time-outs and half-time, I pedaled on my recumbent bike--so guess what needs to be done today?  Horseshoes!!!  That's what!


dr. maureen said...

couldn't get the game here so had to be satisfied with 5am ESPN highlights.

Nancy Evans said...

Well, there were LOTS of good plays. The twins have improved immensely sense their freshman year. K-State plays on ESPN at 3 PM. I wasn't all that impressed with their play last Friday. Maybe they'll do better today. They have a freshman from Overland Park, Will Spradling, who I think will do well in the future.