Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Yesterday after pre-school Trouble #1 and I had an interesting conversation about his employment future. It's tough being 5 years old. He found something wrong with just about every job opportunity I suggested.

"Would you like to be a fireman?" I asked.

"No. That's too dangerous. I might get burned up," he said in all seriousness.

"How about a truck driver?"

"No. I might get in a wreck."

"You like animals. Maybe you could work in a zoo."

"No. The lions' roar would hurt my ears. And I'd have to pick up poop and that stinks. But maybe I could wear a helmet with an air hose like a fireman wears...."

"You could build houses."

"No. I'd have to be up high and I might fall down. And I'd have to lift heavy things."

I had to admit the kid had great logic, but still I plodded on with more suggestions.

"What about a doctor?"

"No!" he said adamantly. "I'd have to look inside peoples' mouths and ears and that's gross!!"

So the conversation went on and on like that. Everything I mentioned, even being a cook at McDonald's, was critically turned down until finally I found a winner.

"You could fix people's hair."

He thought a few seconds. "Yeah," he responded with satisfaction at last. "I could put gel and goop on my fingers and rub it and make a Mohawk! That's what I could do."

"But you'll have to go to hairstyling school."

"I know. But I have a lot more of other school to do first. Well, I gotta go ride my bike. See ya."

One must always balance work with play.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So young and so wise :)