Thursday, April 26, 2012


Graduation Day is lurking. Yesterday I received am announcement from one of the 2012 grads-to-be at the local high school, and I immediately went back into teacher mode.
During my tenure as an educator, senior class sponsors were directed by the principal to check over the students' choices for Class Song and Class Motto (which would be plastered everywhere) so the school wouldn't be terminally embarrassed.  I took the responsibility seriously. More than once, amid whines and protests, I axed their irresponsible selections.  

"You're infringing upon our rights of freedom of choice and freedom of speech!" 

 My response:  "Tough!"  If they weren't going to use common sense voluntarily, I'd force them.

That said, I about flipped out yesterday when I read the Class Motto on the newly-arrived graduation announcement:  "Rules are meant to be broken.- anonymous."  Give ME a break.

IF I was still teaching and IF I was the class sponsor, this is what the Brainless of 2012 would hear from me:  "What disappointments you are.  Thousands of people in this school district have paid their hard-earned money to educate you for the past 13 years, and this is what they get?  Break the rules.  That's what you've learned?  That's your life's motto?  Drive drunk.  Abuse your children.  Steal. Cheat. Hate. Lie. Don't live within your means. Do whatever you want and to hell with everyone else."

And they'd argue back that not all rules are good ones and that they are just saying to be individuals and don't always go along with the crowd. Then I'd mouth back, "Then change your motto to: 'Be an individual and don't always go along with the crowd,' and it will be approved."  

But they'd still be crying out for "Rules are meant to be broken" because they are snot-nosed brats who insist upon flaunting their immaturity in the faces of the adults who've been supporting them for 18 years.

Shame on them.  And shame on the class sponsors who let them get away with it and didn't make this a learning experience.  The kid who sent the announcement will receive a graduation gift from me because I'm trusting that he was not among the majority who chose this ridiculous Class Motto, but he's also going to receive a few words to the wise from me, as well.  Thumbing one's nose at rules can lead to a world of heartbreak.  I can only hope that he and his classmates learn this sooner, rather than later. 

End of rant. 

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Agreed! You tell 'em, N. I'm trying to ponder any abstract meaning they could have seen in that motto, but it's just completely non-inspirational and dumb.