Sunday, May 27, 2012


I enjoy receiving family pictures like this one of great nephs Boomer and William and their big sis Maddie getting ready to make mud pies yesterday because it gives me faith that they are carrying on my tradition of being a 3rd degree sloppy mess.

Mama Bore will tell you--of her five kids, I was the #1 slob.  I was the one fishing for tadpoles out in the ditch south of our house--with my hands, or constructing dams by the street curbs after a delicious rainfall, or riding my bike at full speed through puddles.  She once refused to buy me some coveted white jeans because "'ll get them dirty just looking at them."  No argument there.

Whoever coined the phrase, "Cleanliness is next to godliness" may have had a spiffy wardrobe--but sure missed out on a lot of fun. I'm glad Boomer, Maddie, and Will's parents are willing to go with the flow--of mud-- and let the good ol' dirty times roll.  

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