Friday, January 29, 2010


A few months ago I was thumbing through the latest Entertainment Weekly and saw an ad that really grabbed me. It was for Skecher’s Shape Up walking shoes. They were going to improve my slumping posture, firm my saggy butt, tighten my flabby abdominal muscles---heck, I didn’t know I even had any--plus help me lose weight. I’d just become an overall new person. Wow! I had to have a pair! Now, I knew better than to believe a pair of shoes could perform all these miracles, but if they would just help my aching back, I would be happy.

So, the next time I was at the mall in the big city, I plunked down major dollars for a pair of black and white Shape Ups and was ready to walk my way into a better body. Two months or so later, I am here to report that I probably should have saved my money. No one has told me I’m slouching less or looking thinner or have a perky bum. The only reason that these shoes might help strengthen and firm any body part is because they weigh a ton and extra effort is required to lift one’s feet when wearing them.

I’m not yet ready to ship out my Shape Ups, though. They are cushiony and comfy enough, and we all know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. I am expecting that at some time in the distant future (in a galaxy far, far away) I will wake up 20 pounds lighter, spring out of bed not feeling like my back needs lubed up with WD-40, admire my abs of steel, then pat myself proudly on my J-Lo-like ass. Until then, however, the full-length mirror remains in hiding.

1 comment:

Bishops' Blog said...

I have some Shape-ups and it slims my tummy down great, and as a bonus it gives me an extra boob or butt in front roll. .....Oh wait! That's my Shapewear girdle. It pushes all the fat from my tummy either up to where I get a lovely boob roll under my two existing breast, or down to reveal a lovely mudflap over my panty line.