Saturday, February 13, 2010


Niner out of St. Joe, Mo. says she’s jumping on the bandwagon for the Adults-Only Park that I advocated a few days ago. In fact, she wants to expand it to a camp-size facility catering to all us old farts who want to relive our misspent childhoods without the fear of being laughed at or harassed by little whippersnappers. Here are some of her great ideas:

Roller skates and a padded rink, bikes, outdoor bowling, paddle boats, and the greatest sidewalk sport ever invented--jacks!! Like moi, Niner is a nut for those little metal spikes and the rubber ball used to gather them up. I’ll bet you she knows all about onesies, twosies, Eggs in a Basket, and Around the World.

She also wants to have piped-in music (oldies rock, I hope) and a health food bar with veggies, salads, and juices. Nothing junky. I can live with that. She didn’t say anything about having a doctor on duty, but we might want to seriously think about it. The only area of disagreement we have is on pets. She wants them left at home, but I think cats should be allowed in case I get lonely.

Now, she has some concern about how we’re going to get local governments to provide the funds for our pipe dream. I haven’t got that all worked out yet. Perhaps we can just pool our Social Security and other retirement benefits and at least have enough money to put on a jacks tournament or something. Start small, you know, and work up to the big stuff. Hopefully Niner and I won’t end up in the Adults-Only Loony Bin before our plans our realized.


dr. maureen said...

i'd go for the jacks but might need someone to help me up from sitting on the sidewalk!!

Nancy Evans said...

Okay, Dr. M--we'll have to get a forklift on board! You can be the doctor on call.