Friday, November 11, 2011


I made the mistake this morning of placing the big city newspaper's Holiday Recipes insert on Big Bore's easy chair for his reading pleasure. He's been zinging me with cooking ideas ever since.

"Now here is something we're definitely going to have to try," he started out. "Sausage and Sauerkraut Balls."

"No!!!" I gagged.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I hate sauerkraut!"

"But it says here they don't taste like sauerkraut."

"Yeah. Right."

"How about Lamb and Sausage Tarts?"


"Layered Hummus Dip?"


"I thought you liked hummus."


"Here's one for Red-Hot Jello. You like Jello."

"Not with red hots in it."

"Grilled Salmon Fabuloso?"

"No!!" Couldn't he tell that I was not really into hearing about all these recipes he just HAD to try?

"Okay. Here's one that sounds just like you." I braced myself for the worst. "White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake."

Bingo! He knows I'm a sucker, make that a big fat sucker, for cheesecake. And white chocolate. And raspberries.

"I'll have two slices. Stat!"

He just took off to the grocery store a little while ago. I don't know what was on his shopping list, but if he comes back with sauerkraut and sausage, I'm going to be hot. Red hot.


dr. maureen said...

i've had those sauerkraut meatballs and they really are good---very tender

you need to branch out on your nutrition

Kayle said...

Set another place for me when the "Sausage and Sauerkraut Balls" and "Red Hot Jello" is being served

Nancy Evans said...

Oh, Maureen, you sound like a doctor!! I'll take cheesecake over sauerkraut any day!