Monday, November 7, 2011


Last night I saw an Ipad for the first time, compliments of my great nephews, ages 2 and 5. I can see where a little kid, or even an older kid, would go goo-goo over such a device--Boomer enjoyed playing an air hockey game ("You're cheating, Aunt Nancy!!") and taking pictures of his mom and me, then skewing them. William liked scribbling.

Would I want one? Nah. Not really. But I'm not going to begrudge anyone who wants to shell out the bucks and harmlessly pass by the time with one. I'll just stick with my personal computer and let the rest of technology pass me by. No cell phone, no Ipad, or Ipod, or pea pod, or Blackberry, Strawberry, whatever. Old dogs can only learn a limited amount of new tricks. I'm at my quota.

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