Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Is it just me, or have the Democrats' 2008 presidential primaries been dragging on for the past 20 years? Will the madness ever end? Well, there's still another month left of them, seven total, and Barack and Hillary are still slugging it out, both having won a state last night. The political pundits predict neither will garner enough primary and caucus delegates and that the final decision will be made by "super delegates." When I first heard this term used, I pictured cape-wearing, muscle-bound Democrats duking it out in an arm wrestling competition to determine who'd be declared "super"--as opposed to being just a plain old delegate. Now, I know that it's a title given to those with powerful, loyal party ties, like the good ol' guys who tried keeping Bill Clinton's Oval Office hanky panky a secret. Wink, wink.

Even though I hate politics, I can't wait to get to the editorials and letters to the editor in the newspaper each morning to read the opinions of the political pundits, as well as the know-nothings like me. Some opinions seem thoughtful, while others have as much logic as pea soup. One yesterday explained his reason for supporting Hillary: "....she's paid her dues." Yeah, I suppose being married to Bill and putting up with his shenanigans for over 30 years is proof of that.

Lately, Obama's longtime minister, a Rev. Wright, has been getting a lot of negative press because of some of his racist how the US government created AIDS to do away with black people. Obama has tried to separate himself from the wrong Wright, but I've seen results of polls that show there could be a backlash. Some people think he must have the same beliefs as his minister. I haven't been so big on "gentlemen of the cloth" being all that influential, however, since my former Methodist pastor, whom I once thought walked on water, was convicted of child molestation years later.

Good luck to the candidates, and may the best man, or woman, win.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know what you mean, this seems like it has been going on for years. Lets do this already ;)