Friday, October 3, 2008


On our way to Colorado last week, we had to make numerous stops…Quik Trip for gas, Wal-Mart for shaving cream, Walgreen’s for dry shampoo, the old Ness County Bank for a picture, and, of course, there was the all-important food stop. This took place at a grocery store in Eads, Colorado, population 800. We asked the meat market guy/checker for directions to a park, so we could dine al fresco--Big Bore on baloney sandwiches and me on an oatmeal bar and banana.

But when we arrived at the park, just as a high school physical education class was leaving, I suddenly was no longer interested in eating. This was a park with shuffleboard and horseshoes and checkers!!! Cool! I hadn’t played horseshoes since I was a kid, and then it wasn’t at a regulation pit. This was professional, baby! While BB ate and cheered me on, I tossed away--never making a perfect ringer but coming close.

We learned from some townspeople that at first the school kids were appalled at the suggestion of having to play “old farts” games, but they quickly came to like them (probably since they didn’t involve running and doing push-ups) and became quite competitive. I really got into it, but Big Bore was more content to chow on the baloney, give me pointers, and swat flies.

Well, now that we’re home, I’m ready to turn my neighbors’ big yard into a major league horseshoe arena. I’m not sure how they’ll feel about it, but I figure the worst they can do is say, “Hell no! Have you gone crazy?” And then maybe toss me back into my own yard.


Sarah said...

Oh yes horseshoes is a fun one. I haven't played that for a long time.

Anonymous said...

So they actually did have civilized things in Colorado, like groceries and drug stores and gasoline!! I thought maybe you were going to a third world nation there for a while.