Sunday, October 12, 2008


I’m not sure the reason I’m sore today is because I recently drove over 1,300 miles to New Mexico and back within a 4-day period or because I laughed so much with my friends I was visiting…probably a little but of both. This past Wednesday in Santa Fe, I met up with two gal pals, Pat and Mary, and our buddy Rat, who I’ve blogged about before. We have all known each other for over 50 years. In fact, Mary, Rat, and I were in school together from 1st grade through high school graduation. Pat is a year younger. Her husband and she now live in Chapel Hill, NC, but they still have a beautiful adobe-style home on the southwest outskirts of Santa Fe. Mary is sort of back-and-forthing it from Fredonia to Santa Fe, checking in on Pat’s place periodically. Rat lives in Vermont. Anyway, we had a totally great time--well worth the long drive. I will be blogging about our escapades starting tomorrow with: “Survivor Hike.”

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