Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Last night I got an e-mail from a friend on the east coast that had the following subject label: "A little background on Obama...I don't know how truthful it is but you can investigate." Now, I have yet to decide for whom I'll cast my Presidential ballot in November, so I decided to read the "background," even though I had my doubts about its authenticity. The caveat: "I don't know how truthful it is...." seems to wave a big, fat, red flag in my mind that I'm about to read a bunch of hooey.

Much of this background I'd already heard from Obama, himself, before....about his parentage and religious upbringing. What jumped out at me was the statement that when Obama was sworn in as a United States senator, he refused to put his hand on the Holy Bible and insisted upon using the Koran, instead. "Muslims have said they will destroy the US from the inside out. What better way than through the presidency." The e-mail ended with something to the effect that it's all factual and can be verified on snopes.com, a website that seeks the truthfulness of
e-mail rumors.

Well, I hightailed it to snopes.com, and guess what I found? The statement about the Holy Bible/Koran is NOT the truth, and the website has no clue who got this all started or why snopes was used as a verification resource. How many people will get this same e-mail, not check it out, and automatically think that Obama is the devil in disguise?

This is not the first time I've checked out the veracity of e-mails I've received and found they were false information. My suggestion is: If you don't know whether or not a potentially libelous, slanderous, harmful statement is true, don't pass it along to the rest of the world. And if you just HAVE to forward some e-mail, make it a dirty joke, instead!


Unknown said...

Glad you clarified this because I had received the same email but trashed it instead!! Some one I know did blog about it and how people are thinking he might be the next anti-christ because of him using the Koran. Good work Det. Evans!! Way to uncover the real truth. Maybe we should send out an email saying its all false and see how far it gets passed along!!

Sarah said...

so true Nancy! I have gotten this stupid email too and I also checked it out. But lots of people don't and just believe it. Never believe everything you read.

Nancy Evans said...

I can remember back when Ronald Wilson Reagan first ran for president (before you tykes were born, most likely) and there were people who said he was the anti-Christ because he had 6 letters in each of his names...666, the mark of the beast. Some people are just wacko!