Sunday, February 3, 2008


Wonder why the NFL chose Tom Petty to be the halftime entertainment for this year's Super Bowl? He a sang a few of his mellow oldies and was off the stage before you could say, "Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake starring in Nipple Gate." Now, don't get me wrong. Tom's okay, other than the fact that he is an avid hunter who enjoys killing Bambi types. But, good grief, he's almost as old as I am! Maybe that's why he was selected. The NFL didn't want any more nipples to detract from the football game like last year. Just Tom and his innocent guitar and a few of the Heartbreakers behaving themselves in the background. Ah, the times they are a changin'.


Sarah said...

I agree, he was good, but not to exciting. I can remember when the halftime show was a huge deal. Now it is a bathroom break.

Nancy Evans said...

Or a check your email break!!!