Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The stent was removed from my urethra this morning. I was alarmed at how long it was...a good 12 inches or more. Fortunately, the head stent gal pulled it out in one swift motion and didn't prolong the agony. "Breathe deeply." She then asked me if I wanted to save it for a souvenir to show at family gatherings.

"Hell, no! Double hell no! Triple hell no! Throw it away! Stat!"

We yapped some more about the agony of a kidney stone. Then, as I was out the door, she said, "Oh, if you can't pee you'll need to come back and get catheterized. There's always the possibility of a blood clot."

Oh, great. That's just what I want to go through again. Another catheter. When I got home, I started drinking up a storm...after taking a pain pill. "Please, God, let me pee on my own. Please, please, please."

When I felt it was time to head for the john to give peeing a try, I was anxious. My body just HAD to work on its own....and, thankfully, it did.

"Hooray!" (Yes, I said it out loud.) "I can pee! I can pee!" Not a lot but this called for a celebration. If only I felt like it. I'm going back to bed.


Sarah said...

I am glad! I wouldn't want you to have to have one of those up there again. Yikes.

Nancy Evans said...

Man, the bladder spasms are a bite, but this, too, shall pass. J. made me some good ol' chicken noodle soup last night, and that's about the only thing that tastes good. Even had it for breakfast this morning.