Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I was on the go yesterday and finally crashed to watch TV at 8 PM…only to find that I couldn’t crash because every cushion in the living room was consumed by a cat. I ended up sitting on the coffee table. I know better than to push aside one pussy cat, let alone all four. Posted on our bulletin board in the kitchen are “The Ten Unalienable Rights of Cats,” as follows:

I have the right to walk over your face at any time, day or night.
I have the right to wake you at three in the morning if my food dish is not filled to my satisfaction.
I have the right to inspect any grocery items that come into my home.
I have the right to inhabit any paper bag or cardboard box for as long as I wish.
I have the right to nap at any time and place I darn well please.
I have the right to assist in changing the bed linens and to chase the phantom creatures that hide beneath the sheets.
I have the right to sleep on top of any appliance that is warm.
I have the right to your complete attention any time you sit down to read or work.
I have the right to tip over water containers I deem unsuitable.
I have the right to be loved, petted, pampered, and entertained because, as you know, the best things in life…purr.

Should you err in your ways, I shall graciously forgive you. After all, you are only human.

Signed, THE CAT
That pretty much sums up life around Casa de la Flaming Bore. I have to run now and go take care of litter box duty before somebody throws a tantrum.


Jaime said...

In my next life, I'm coming back as a cat! =)

Unknown said...

Thats exactly how our house looks except its the dogs and not the cats taken over our seats. lol

Hope you finally found a place to relax and enjoy the evening.

Sarah said...

Yes the life of a cat would be pretty sweet. (if you had a good owner of course)

dr. maureen said...

what is it about the cats helping you make the bed? mine always do---they love getting tucked in under the sheets! now if i could just get them to strip the beds on laundry day...