Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Three weeks ago today Big Bore and I started long-overdue diets. So far, so good. I’m minus 8 pounds, with 17 to go. I don’t know what he’s lost, but he’s been good about not eating sugar and reducing carbs. He gets frustrated at times because the weight isn't slip-sliding away quickly enough but I keep telling him: “Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

He’s on the Atkins Diet. I tried it for two days, after which my usual disdain for beef and pork kicked in and I couldn’t take it anymore. Just thinking about a hamburger caused waves of nausea. I’m just cutting back on calories. No bread, no cookies, no ice cream, no crackers, no fun. My beloved Cheez-Its are off limits until I hit my goal. Woe is me.

I have pulled out some size 10 and size 8 jeans from the cobwebs of the closet and hung them in the hallway to keep me motivated. It will be sooooo nice to be able to wear them again AND breathe at the same time. Until then, it's back to the elastic-waist slacks and sweatpants.


Sarah said...

Great JOB on the 8 pounds gone for good!!!...
You should try just putting all your cheese its in portion sized baggies when you get the box.. That way you don't over eat.. but if your like me and mexican food, you can't have it in the house!
ha ha

Dusti said...

Kudos on the minus 8 pounds! & I think I've even seen Cheese-Its in the 100 calorie baggies! Keep up the good work!