Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Big Bore and I are in foul moods today over the blasted squirrels that are digging divots in our vegetable and flower gardens. Why is it that they want to bury their walnuts in the EXACT same place where we have planted our precious babies?

The past few mornings we've found these pits they've made, so we are taking action: laying rocks and chicken wire near our planting beds and spreading blood meal around. "Stay out!! Do you hear that? You are not wanted! Scram!"

If any readers have suggestions about how to deal with these varmints, please let me know. I feel like trying to put on a Porky Pig act (when he points his shotgun at the "Wascally Wabbit" that invades his garden) except I have poor aim and don't own a firearm. "Don't mess with me, squirrel. I'm warning you!"

To be continued.....

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