Friday, August 19, 2011


When I was outside this morning watering the thirsty "kids" in the front and side yards, I was trying to think of 10 ways in which our summer heatwave and drought have been beneficial. Hmmm. This was going to take some hard brainwork, but I think maybe I came close:

1. Less lawn mowing to do. In fact, I think Big Bore and I have just done it one time apiece. The fescue has taken a beating. Of course, this means re-seeding to do in the fall, so I'm not really sure this is much of a benefit.

2. Mosquitoes and chiggers are practically non-existent--at least in our yard. I can roll around in the grass--what we have left of it--and be itch-free.

3. My Vitamin D level shouldn't be quite so low since I've been getting plenty of sunshine.

4. Slugs aren't lounging around in my pink garden like they usually are.

5. We're getting lots of exercise watering. With a few exceptions, we've been at it every day, sometimes twice a day on the south side. Lots of bending and stretching with the garden hose, for sure.

6. I read somewhere that sweating is beneficial to the body in some way--like leaching out all the impurities. If that's the case, I'm as pure as a virgin stuck butt-deep in a snowbank.

7. Brings one closer to the neighbors, as we're all outside watering our gardens and praying for rain.

8. Not quite so many weeds to have to yank up--maybe.

Hmmmmmm. I give up. I can't think of anymore benefits. My brain is overheated and a bit hungry. And, oh, by the way, the pic above is of our caladium, which have no complaints since they are in the shade most of the day and suck up their water treat with gusto. I'll spare you a picture of the old blue spruce tree that is receiving its last rites. : (


dr. maureen said...

9. don't have to turn on the stove to cook eggs, just go to the sidewalk.

10. not a single case of frostbite reported in past several months

Nancy Evans said...

Oh, I can always count on you to come up with some brilliant ideas, M!!!! (Just came in from biking to the, am I a sweatbox!)