Thursday, December 11, 2008


About fifty years ago, our family had a little glass fella like the one at right. Santa’s pointed left foot is set in an indentation, and he twirls when one gives him some assistance. This six-inch-high baby can spin like a championship ice skater…and the kids in our household made sure it had dizzy spells every Christmas.

This isn’t the original Santa that shared my childhood. Mama Bore glued him back together after he took a nasty spill and eventually gave him to my younger brother, the out of control, crazed choreographer. She missed him so much (Santa, not my brother!) that a few years ago I found another on eBay and got it for her. Then I later found a third toe dancing Santa, the one in the picture, and snagged it up for myself.

He costs a lot more than he did in the late 1950s, so my Santa is treated with care. No wild spinning parties. Every once in a while I have him do a little toe dance--but if he becomes dizzy, an inner ear infection is to blame, not I.


Sarah said...

That is sweet you found some on ebay. I love that place. He sure it cute.

Unknown said...

I must say I have never seen those little guys. Gotta luv ebay! Glad you were able to grab one for yourself.

Jaime said...

That is an interesting Santa! I saw a car sell for over $400,000 the other day that originally sold for 7 grand in the '40's!

Wish my fam. had saved some old relics like that!