Thursday, December 4, 2008


A few nights back I helped the Friends of the Library group here in town decorate some Christmas trees. One was fancy-schmantzy, with coordinated red and gold decorations, and the other was a hodgepodge of leftovers from home. I contributed my infamous “Days of Our Lives” glass balls from 1982.

I used to be a diehard “Days” fan, from the time I entered college in 1967 until the mid-1980s, when I finally got fed up one afternoon with a cheesey dialogue between Mickey and Maggie that was so over the top (Maggie’s crippled condition was miraculously cured and she was showing Mickey how she could step out in her old red dancing shoes) that I ended up flipping a spoonful of cottage cheese at the television screen. “Aaaaagggghhhhh! I can’t take it anymore!!” And I haven’t watched an afternoon soap since.

But back to Christmas….Every holiday season, the "Days" patriarch and matriarch of Salem, Tom and Alice Horton, would make a HUGE production of putting up their Christmas tree, decorated with glass balls that bore the names of family members. Each ball told the dramatic story of said relative. By the end of the hour, Tom and Alice were practically hysterical with flushing memories. I’m sure it was great for ratings.

Well, anyway, in December, 1982 I was thumbing through one of these el-cheapo mail order books and, lo and behold, for sale were personalized glass Christmas balls. They sold for next to nothing, so I bought a bunch, keeping the Horton family in mind. I don’t know how in the world I’ve kept my Nancy and Kitty balls from busting after 26 years, but they are still in good shape, so I took them to the library and placed them on the hodgepodge tree. Library Director, also a former “Days” viewer and personalized ball owner, took my picture to capture the special (?) moment.

We did this after everyone else had left, of course. No sense in letting the world know that we have a sordid, soapy past.


Unknown said...

That story made me laugh. I use to watch soaps too but I find them so over the top these days. Glad you had a great time decorating. Who said old balls can't go to good use!

Sarah said...

I bet it was fun to help decorate. I have never been much of a soap watcher. They are just too much fake acting. ;)

Jaime said...

I, too, was a Days' fan!! I believe I started watching it in the highchair! However, when Marlena was possessed I bid it farewell. Later on, I began slowly getting back into it. However, then a Salem serial killer started taking everyone out. As soon as the dead reappeared on this mystery island, I regained sanity & vowed never to watch this ridiculousness again! However, the ornaments would be awesome =)

Anonymous said...

I love your "sordid, soapy past"! Got my hair washed today at a salon--a sure fix for whatever ails you and sold a scarf while I was there. Starting to feel better after a week. Turned down a "news Spot" they were wanting to do on me for diet and exercise but some other things may be in the works for next year. Hubby due home on the 15th and is anxious to meet you on the 9th but Mum is the word about the resume.

Dusti said...

Love it when you post pictures of yourself! :-) Never a soap fan, but certainly love odball christmas tree ornaments!