Saturday, December 6, 2008


I read in the newspaper yesterday that the two main libraries of the University of North Carolina have banished putting up Christmas trees this year in their lobbies, unlike in the past. The snooty, academia rationale is that the library represents all belief systems, so displaying a Christian symbol is “antithetical to that philosophy.” Geesh. Get a grip. I think that’s just some lame excuse for being too lazy to put 'em up.

No one was threatening to sue UNC, but apparently there had been complaints from both overly concerned library employees and patrons. Now, if people are bitching about a Christmas tree, then they must be totally miserable, self-serving Scrooge-niks who have nothing better to do than find something petty to gripe about. So, they pick on trees! Well, as Charlie Brown and his gang of Christmas pageant-eers would say, “Good grief!!!”


Unknown said...

My TarHeels not putting up a tree? Say it isnt so!! Maybe it had to do with lazyness.

And yes, health care in Canada is free for citizens. You pay for your prescriptions but those are realtively cheap.

dr. maureen said...

those HeelsTar are all thinking that Christmas will come in late March-early April when they take home the NCAA basketball trophy---that's why they aren't putting up trees now. every one of them that i see keeps talking about how they'll win it all this year!!!

Nancy Evans said...

I'm hoping that UNC will have another meltdown in the play-offs. Sorry, Tara.

Sarah said...

Oh that is just stupid. I hate stories like that, they need a good taste of Christmas spirit.