Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Every December 31 I review how successful (or pathetic) I was in keeping the resolutions I’d made on January 1 and posted on the refrigerator. So, with a few regrets, here we go:

1. Lose 10 pounds. Who am I kidding? I think I’ve gained five! If I’d get up enough courage to stand on the scales, I’d know for sure.

2. Clean out underneath the refrigerator every month and inside it every other month. The first part was easy enough to do, but I gave up cleaning the inside after a few times. Big Bore has shoved in so much food that I don’t even want to open the refrigerator door. I’ve decided it’s HIS problem to deal with, not mine.

3. Read the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. Well, I was so depressed after reading the OT that I went on and read the New Testament, also. It was a little more uplifting, until I got to the end and didn't know what the heck was going on--so I purchased Revelation for Dummies. Maybe I'll finish reading it in the coming year.

4. Get Tegretol down to 600 mg a day. This is the med I take for my inner ear spazzes. I’m at 1,000 mg and holding. :(

5. No surgery. Three evil words from this year: kidney stone surgery!!!!

6. No new cats. Finally! A resolution that stuck!

7. Get sod or grass or whatever growing in the backyard by October. Mission accomplished in June. It's still green and is ever so much better than the mud puddle.

8. Get back to Colorado--please! Late September in the mountains was heaven.

9. Clean out both closets/get them organized better. Got that done in January but maintenance was another story. They are back to looking just like they were last Dec. 31-- Avalanche!!!

10. Get new guttering put on house by April. Another success story!

Well, I scored a 50 percent. Not so hot. Tomorrow I’ll start over. Hope you resolve to end 2008 having fun!!!


Unknown said...

50/50 is a good record. Have a great last day of '08. Here's to the new year!

Jaime said...

50/50 isn't bad. I'm sure my record is less. However, I haven't made it a point to record my resolutions. So, they're easily forgotten :0

A few years ago, I took a New Testament class & definitely have a much better handle on Revelations. Without some explanation it's a little scray...

Sarah said...

Like Jaime I didn't save what I planned to do. Shoot I probably did on this damn blog, but won't dare to look back that far. I have a hard time keeping them, but love making them.


Anonymous said...

You made a lot of progress and some things, the kidney stone surgery for example, could hardly be avoided.

ONe of my favorite Bible studies ever was on the minor prophets in the OT. Then I especially like the letters of Paul in the NT. Did you notice how 999 appears on certain people's foreheads after your read Revelations? Ahhhhhh.