Monday, December 8, 2008


Do you have stupid games that you play with your significant other? Big Bore and I have one called “Sing or Identify That TV Show Theme Song.” The song can be hummed or da-dummed. We either name the show and challenge the other to hum the theme song, or hum the theme song and ask the other to name the show. Got all that?

Well, the other night after the late evening news we were exhausted, threw ourselves to bed, and then Big Bore suddenly started da-dumming a theme song.

“Name the show,” he said.

“Hmmm.” I was no longer sleepy. The game was on. “It’s not Betwitched,” I responded. It was soooo familiar. I knew I could get it. BB kept singing, and finally I got it. “I Dream of Jeannie!” I announced triumphantly.

“You got it!”

We successfully went through I Love Lucy, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, The Beverly Hillbillies, Rawhide, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Little House on the Prairie, My Three Sons, and The Waltons.

“Do the theme song from F-Troop,” BB then challenged.

“Oh, I know that one.” I confidently started da-dumming the entire song, feeling like the top dog.

When I ended, ready to hear the applause, BB said, “That was Hogan’s Heroes.”

“Oh, shoot! You’re right. Well, why didn’t you stop me? How does F-Troop go?

“I can’t remember.”

“That’s against the rules! If you can‘t sing it yourself, you can’t ask me to do it.”

“Okay. But, how does it go?”

After about 20 minutes the game ended with a TV commercial jingle--for Hamm’s beer.

“From the land of sky blue water--(high-pitched echo) water….” we both chimed in. “….Hamm’s, the beer refreshing; Hamm’s, the beer refreshing. Hamm’s!” We cracked up laughing, wondering why we’d both remembered the archaic tune. The commercial featured a canoeing bear, overturning in the water, which obviously made a strong impression on both of us well before we were of legal age to booze it up.

“We’ve gone totally nuts,” I said, finally ready to call it a night. “Good night, John Boy.”

“Good night, Mary Ellen."


Unknown said...

We do this but with commercials. And we also play Jeopardy. Its okay to go nuts, especially with your significant other.

Jaime said...

That's funny! I'm usually humming the "Good Times" tune around the house. Maybe I should test Mr. S's knowledge. Although, I probably couldn't get any other tunes in my head!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you found each other. We play a game concerning the position of various elements on the periodic chart?? I can rhyme the phone book in strict iambic pentameter. Our kids describe the location of kiddie forbidden treats in GPS location terms. Isn't part of being a couple going a little crazy together?

Nancy Evans said...

What's your iambic pentameter rhyme scheme, Diva? Mine is ABBA, ABBA, ABBA, CC. Love ya!

Sarah said...

You two sound so cute. I bet you guys have a blast. said...

This was hilarious!! I have added you to my blog roll! Nice to get in touch again!